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What is a cloud-based server?


A cloud server refers to a virtual server that operates within a cloud computing system and is not a physical server. It can be accessed by an unlimited number of users whenever needed.

Cloud servers function similarly to physical servers and carry out comparable tasks such as data storage and application execution. As they are hosted by third-party providers, cloud services provide computing resources via a network, usually over the internet.

Key differences between traditional servers and cloud-based servers?

  • Cloud servers can be located virtually anywhere, as they are accessed remotely. Traditional or dedicated servers are usually hosted on-site and can only be accessed by users at that specific location

  • A cloud server can be shared among multiple users through an accessible platform, which is commonly a network like an internet. Conversely, a traditional or dedicated server is exclusively accessed by a particular company or entity

  • Cloud servers provide infinite computing capacity, whereas physical servers are restricted to their existing infrastructure or computing capability

  • The physical server is typically more customizable than a cloud server. Physical servers provide greater processing power, additional random access memory, and the ability to access backup power

There are many examples of cloud-based servers, including:

1.      Amazon Web Services (AWS) EC2

2.      Google Cloud Compute Engine

3.      Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines

4.      IBM Cloud Virtual Servers


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