What are the different environments in a software development team?

 1.     What are the different environments in a software development team?

   Software can be created, tested, executed, and maintained on different platforms or settings which are collectively referred to as software environments.

There 3 different environments in software development team;

  •     Development Environment
    The initial setting where software developers carry out programming tasks and other tasks pertaining to software and system creation is referred to as the development environment.
A software development environment, or IDE, is a program that provides a range of tools and features to help software developers write, test, and debug code. It's a one-stop-shop for everything needed in the software development process.
  •     Testing Environment 
The testing environment is where the testing team assesses the quality of the program or application. It's an opportunity for software developers to identify and resolve any defects that may hinder the application's performance or negatively impact user experience.

To create a testing environment, resources such as storage and computing must be allocated to support the testing process. This may involve setting up new physical or virtual devices specifically for testing purposes as defined by the developers. For instance, if you want to test an application using multiple browsers, Selenium tests cannot run simultaneously on all browsers. This necessitates running tests sequentially or creating multiple testing environments.
  •     Production Environment
The end-user utilizes a web or mobile application that runs on a production server, which was developed in a production environment. While the product is in production, testing can still be conducted and new features can be safely introduced. Feature flags can be used to showcase a forthcoming version of an application to a chosen group of users, while the others continue to use the current version.


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